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Podmores make dough returns system

Podmores have developed and installed a bespoke dough recovery system for collecting and returning off-cuts of pastry from a production line so that it can be easily returned into the manufacturing process for re-use.

Podmores have developed and installed a bespoke dough recovery system for collecting and returning off-cuts of pastry from a production line so that it can be easily returned into the manufacturing process for re-use.

Podmores dough returns system

The system was manufactured from 316 stainless steel to ensure the dough was free from contamination and designed to ensure quick clean down is possible to minimisie down time and also to meet the customer’s high standards of hygeine.

The system consists of three main elements – the first is a wide vibratory reclaim feeder located under a transfer point in the production line and fitted with a tray incorporating an angled surround to increase the collection area and reduce potential spillage, this feeds the recovered pastry into the second element of the system which is a 4.5m tall, low frequency vibratory spiral elevator used to elevate the pastry to high level and feed it into the third element, a 4.5m long vibratory feeder installed at high level to transfer the off-cuts backwards in the process for re-use.
Podmores dough returns system

The system was manufactured from 316 stainless steel contact parts to ensure the dough was free from contamination and designed to ensure quick clean down is possible to minimise down time and also to meet the customer’s high standards of hygiene.

Dough provides a unique challenge because its consistency is so varied. The system we designed had to be able to cope with the sticky qualities found in the pastry and we were confident a vibratory system was much better suited to the job than a non-vibrating system – for example belts where product can stick and lead to cleaning and contamination issues.

As the product is continually vibrated it does not get a chance to stick to the contact parts which means it moves nicely in the machinery and offers significant benefits  to the customer including reduced labour and waste disposal costs, with increased production line efficiency and therefore increased overall profitability resulting from the installation.

This bespoke system was specially designed for this application but similar systems can also be developed to handle products for the following industries: aerospace, automotive, chemicals, cosmetics, electronics, food & drink, medical, military, packaging, pharmaceutical, plastics, quarrying & recycling.

For more information, please contact us.


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